You have already met the poison circulating in your veins, entering all your systems and infecting every cell of your body. If it were for example blue, can you imagine how the colours of your body change within a snap of your fingers? It is everywhere devouring YOU from the inside. STRESS!

Where does it come from? The brain. Imagine, wouldn´t it be really interesting to SEE the blue starting from there? I can also give you one definition of stress. It is the reaction of our mind and body to a difficulty or a strain or a threat. Nothing new. Initially it was to prevent us from any hurt making us alert and full of energy. Stress hormones are released in our body to shut down certain functions (for example digestion) and become prepared for others leading to our survival. The most of our blood goes to the muscles, the brain and the heart. That´s why we may feel sick and maybe even can´t eat before an exam or important meeting. Sometimes it is the other way round: We can´t stop eating (sweets and chocolate).

Our modern life is full of stress. Stress no longer prevents us from a hungry bear. Nowadays it is a reaction to a variety of problems and situations. It seems to be a new drug for many people, a power moving ourselves  on. That´s the Eustress, the positive one, the friend. Then there is the Distress caused by the difference between an experience and our personal expectations. But it is the small accumulating stresses which eat you away and one day may cause a complete snap.

There are many symptoms of stress ruling over your body. They are both physical and psychological, such as high blood pressure, chest pain, sleep problems, fatigue, irregular heartbeat, reproductive problems, headaches, more infections (cold, flu etc.), hair and weight loss, moodiness, depression, nervousness, irritability, lack of concentration, memory problems, overreaction’s….

How to deal with the stress we are facing? If possible take a break and relax 10 minutes every hour. Try to be optimistic and positive. Be more assertive and learn to say „No“ – you can´t do everything. Maybe you can delegate some work. Write a „to do“ list every day, decide which things are more important and do them immediately. And do not dwell on bad news.

If you want to reduce the impact of stress on your health, try to exercise because it uses up the stress hormones. Drink less stimulants such as coffee, tea and cola, omit alcohol and eat a balanced diet to help your body deal with stress.Talk to your friends about your problems, they may come to a solution. Start a hobby and do something enjoyable.And don´t forget to reward yourself – find something to look forward, feel good about your achievements and pamper yourself! Hm, what about a nice massage?

Seems to be easy, doesn´t it? The only problem is to follow the advice. So please do try and kill the beast before it kills you!